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Patrizia Cassaniti

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Award Winning Keynote Speaker

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About me

  • Keynote Speaker
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Patrizia is an International award-winning work health and safety advocate with a compelling and confronting life story. In 2021, she won the Gold Stevie award as Maverick of the year, which recognizes the achievements of female individuals who have affected positive change on their companies and/or industries.

In the times of COVID -19 lockdowns and online presentations, Patrizia became certified by e-speakers as a Virtual Presenter. 

She shares the crucial lessons everyone in construction, manufacturing and engineering need to hear to shift out complacency and create a safe working environment for themselves and all their work mates.

Her devastating story is of a tragedy that was never an accident, but an incident waiting to happen, all because of complacency that took her 18-year-old son’s life.

Be prepared for an emotional and inspiring journey with this powerful and potentially life-saving session where the usual ‘she’ll be right mate’ or 'it won’t happen to me’ situation will make you evaluate your daily work practices and make your family the reason why you work safe every day.

She has had extensive coverage on the media, 60 minutes and Morning shows and has helped develop an App together with SafeWork NSW, that allows workers to speak up anonymously. Her safety advocacy leads her to reign new laws in her son’s honour, by bringing tougher penalties and greater consequences for unsafe work practices.  Her foundation helps families financially, so that they can grieve without the everyday burden

Patrizia's foundation, Touched by Christopher,  aims to assist families who have lost a loved one in a workplace incident in construction in New South Wales.

Their aim is to reach the families soon after, to help them grieve without the everyday burdens we all face. Touched by Christopher Ltd (Foundation) seeks to do this by providing financial assistance by way of donating three months’ worth of grocery vouchers calculated based on number of direct members of the affected household. In addition to the assistance towards living expenses, the Foundation will also pay up to $1,500 towards current utilities that may be outstanding. Everyday bills and Groceries do not stop when someone in your household dies so through personal experience of the Cassaniti Family (the Founders of the Foundation), these available funds are a blessing and alleviate the financial pressure to have to return to work immediately to make sure such necessities are paid for, at least for the first 3 months, allowing the family to appropriately grieve and recover from the distress of losing a close family member.
In the shorter term, we aim to serve the construction industry in New South Wales. 

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Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, United Kingdom, United States

My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.

My Interests